Some guy asked me which was more
important, Dark Matter or Ordinary Matter? I told him it doesn't
The Galaxy of Stars by kudumomo on flickr |
- Since all electrons are identical, maybe there is just one electron, and it moves around so fast it seems that it is everywhere. (wow)
- We live in a hologram, so every bit of information is stored in every bit of information. This means that everything we see--like even the mustard that dripped on my shirt-- holds all the information the universe has and will ever contain. (wow)
- There are no such things as atoms and molecules. We are all just bits in a computer simulation. (hella wow)
- There is actually no such thing as time or distance. What happens here, also happens across the infinite universe at the same time, because everything is one and the same. (that's faster than light man, or is it?)
- There is no such thing as multi-universes, in fact, there is no universe. (uh, okay)
So how can we use this information
practically? Here are a few things that come to mind:
- One electron moving that fast eh? Well, it's gotta make waves right? Electromagnetic waves and such. So everything our brains allow us to experience are just our mind's interpretation of different frequencies of energy waves that our physical eyeballs can detect for perhaps the purpose to do something productive with. Cool. I'm going to eat a piece of cake now and enjoy my one electron thought that eating the cake is actually cannibalizing myself. And then I will flush my remainder down a dirty toilet bowl. Very entertaining.
- Hologram theory is a good one. If I hold all the wisdom of the universe right within me, then I'm going to start tapping into that knowledge to heal myself, starting with my grey hairs. Maybe get some of my one electron hair dye to help out. Very useful.
- Bits in a simulation eh? Well I've already kinda tapped into this thought by becoming somewhat an expert at lucid dreaming. But I've never been able to meet up with another mind while Lucid dreaming, or maybe it's the same mind anyway right? And that's what we have online video games for anyways, and this is who we are and what we must do baby. Play video games, this is life man.
- No time or distance huh? This is really something we can use. I mean I just spent $20 today driving around. Imagine tapping in to the knowledge that we actually never go anywhere. That distance does not exist. Imagine how much gas money we can save!
- No Universe? Lonely thought, but thank GOD for that one electron. It's doing a great job. We can learn from this thing. If we can catch it, and study it, maybe we can convince it to create a universe for us. We can use it to store all our new data, make more holograms, and play even more video games.
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